Danburite Tumble-stone 10-20mm


Danburite Tumble-stone 10-20mm. Danburite “connects the heart of the mind with the mind of the heart”. Highly spiritual and sought after for its metaphysical properties, Danburite is a powerful Heart Chakra stone, relieving emotional pain and increasing acceptance of one’s self and of others. Danburite will help you to “let your light shine” The pure love energy of Danburite brings serenity and peace. Gentle yet powerful, Danburite also works with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. Danburite stimulates the Higher Crown Chakras, connecting the Heart to these Higher Chakras, and aids in communication with Angels and Guides. Danburite is a good stone to have around during times of extreme change, and eases the transition of those leaving the physical human form. Danburite can help heal old deep wounds, as well as clear past Karma.

Danburite makes it possible for your inner light to shine, to become what you are, to reveal your true identity. This stone activates the intellect and promotes your faith and respect for the spiritual laws .Danburite will help you in turbulent times. Whenever you think of giving up, use your Danburite, and it will give you strength to go on. It will liven you up and encourage you to adapt and deal with the difficulties and troubles ahead. Danburite intensifies your healing energies. It is called a stone of joy and celebration because it helps you in getting along with other people. It is a spiritual crystal of higher order and a powerful healer of the heart chakra. It is capable of removing the suppressed emotional pain. It possesses one of the highest vibrations in the mineral kingdom. This crystal is a good choice for relieving stress and bringing peace. Danburite can be recommended to people with a too strong focus on their mental body. Danburite will release the mental tension, re-establishing the link to the heart center. This crystal makes it easier for the light to shine again. Danburite can heal deep wounds, cleanse the past karma, and support your persistent fight in troublesome and dangerous situations. On the plane of physical healing, it helps with gallbladder and liver diseases, as well as in the expulsion of toxic substances from the organism. It also boosts the appetite.

Danburite should be discharged every 2 weeks by using lukewarm running water. It should be charged relatively often with the energy of the Sun.