Celestite crystal stimulates and supports the throat, third eye, and crown chakras, making it an excellent stone for an overall spiritual detoxification. Its colour, the pale blue of the sky, is where its name comes from – the same root as the word “celestial.” Because of this, it has a strong historical association with heaven, angels, and divinity. It comes in various colours but blue is by far the most spiritually meaningful, and certainly the one that you should try to pursue. It is frequently used today in angel magic, said to be the stone that will summon your guardian angel. They have an energy that is at once soothing and uplifting, giving you the sense that you are being watched over by a loving caretaker. Celestite is best used as a focal point for prayer, meditation, or mindfulness. As such, a piece that rests in a visible place in your home is the best and most convenient way to incorporate it.
Celestite is best combined with stones that enhance perception and intellectual intelligence, such as amethyst and clear quartz.In general, any stone associated with the crown chakra is a good complement to celestite. These stones will enhance your spiritual focus and give you the ability to intellectually understand the things that you are being shown by the power of celestite. It can be beneficial to mix celestite with other stones that enhance emotional intelligence, such as opal or pearl.However, this can sometimes be a dangerous game if you are not prepared for the strength of the emotions that you will encounter.
This mineral allows you access to the higher transpersonal chakras, and via the crown chakra you open the soul star chakra, also called the eighth chakra. The eighth chakra is the source of Divine wisdom. Utilizing this area can aid you in the journey towards ascension and supreme enlightenment.The stone is so beautiful to look at and its energy is sweet and harmonious, yet it packs a spiritual punch, which is something of a surprise.At the same time it aids you to discover your spirit guide, contact your guardian angel, and helps with developing the gift of prophecy. It will also help to clear negative energy, and has the healing qualities of assisting the lungs and breathing. If you can’t get jewelry made from this stone, simply put a piece in your pocket, as this will be highly beneficial to you. To boost its action to stimulate intuition, you may choose to use it with Herderite, Merlinite, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Calcite, Euclase, Hackmanite, Sodalite, Smithsonite, Labradorite, Mookaite Jasper also known as Mook Jasper or Amethyst Crystals.
Celestite is an excellent healing stone,
- it dissolves pain and brings love to you
- It treats the eyes and ears
- eliminates toxins from the body and repairs at a cellular level
- Celestite relaxes muscle tension and calms mental torment
- It will help mouth ulcers
- pharyngitis
- laryngitis
- tonsillitis
- dry mouth
- tooth decay
- gingivitis
- strep throat
- and much more.
It is also very useful in calming and easing symptoms of Tourettes. It can help in restoring balance in dysfunctional relationships. Celestite sends peace and strength to you and helps to open you to new experiences. Celestite has a gentle energy that
- soothes frazzled nerves
- quiets the mind
- and allows you to get centered in even the noisiest and most distracting environments.
Celestite calms the mind by dispersing unfounded worries, giving you mental clarity and clear and fluent communications skills. It brings a feeling of being at one with the whole universe and holds the possibility of total harmony.
Celestite gives you purity of the heart and attracts good fortune. It heals the aura and reveals the the truth of a thing. It brings balance and alignment to your body, mind and spirit. It teaches you to trust in the higher power and in your own abilities. Celestite promotes a connection with and the ability to work with Goddesses, spirit guides, angels, nature devas and ascended beings. Celestite enhances channelling, accesses and promotes a core soul healing. It aids in psychic development and spiritual and karmic growth. This stone aligns the energetic bodies, promotes peace. It heals the etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. This stone promotes core soul healing by focusing on the emotional and light body. It anchors the higher self, opens the ability to bring channelled information into your life.