Cathedral Quartz is a cosmic computer containing the wisdom of the ages. It is helpful in meditation and aids attunement to the universal mind. Brings significant relief when placed over the site of pain. 2-3″ per piece. A remarkable crystal.
Significant parts of the Akashic Record are manifest in Cathedral Quartz. These rare entities contain the knowledge of the Universe that humans can understand. They are impersonal teaching crystals that can be accessed by careful study.
These crystals can seem uncommonly inert and lifeless when first encountered. However with familiarity and careful study, they warm and seem to be filled with an eerie inner glow often reported to be a faint violet colour. If you seek wisdom, enlightenment, and a deep understanding of mankind’s place in the universe, both physical and spiritual, no better meditation crystal exists. These crystals are for use by dedicated seekers of Universal Truth.
Cathedral Quartz is a PURE crystal powerhouse and light library full of love, light and knowledge to aid our beautiful planet in her time of need. The high vibration of the Cathedral Quartz enables one to access the pure essence of life and spirit throughout all time, matter and space. The pure light frequencies that the Cathedral Quartz embodies connects and extends infinitely far beyond our star systems and galaxies back to source. It is therefore a phenomenal ally to meditate with or have present in healing groups united together for the common cause to manifest the highest good for All that is. Cathedral Quartz is a master teacher full of cosmic light expressing the ultimate wisdom through its multidimensional energy collected over aeons. Its crystal structure resembles that of a Cathedral with its multi-terminated apex like a beautiful fairy castle of turrets. It is a crystal that resonates with and generates pure universal light and collective consciousness much needed now when many whom have lost connection to source through fear and separation and need re-connection through LOVE and ONENESS. The Cathedral Quartz upholds and supports this Love and oneness energetically, encouraging humanity to transcend the mass conscious realities that we live in; reawakening those lost parts of our beings to be restored into a pure state of love, harmony and balance for the peace and ultimate ascension of mother earth.