
bloodstone tumblestones

Bloodstone Tumblestone is an opaque stone which looks green shot through with red jasper. It was believed that by just touching the stone haemorrhages stopped. It’s a stone of courage, improves physical strength, enhances self esteem and calms anxiousness. Useful for all blood disorders.

The Red and Green Bloodstone… Instils Courage Comfort and Strength. Bloodstone is an excellent crystal to help you to feel a stronger sense of determination, as they aid you to regain your personal power. They will build courage and strength of mind, to do what needs to be done. They were known in olden times as Heliotrope, and were popular as they raise self esteem. It was believed that if you carried one of these stones you might avoid dangerous situations.

This stone is basically green quartz, in various shades of green. They have red spots or patches of red color, in various sizes within them, and sometimes other colors, and the inclusions are commonly Red Jasper. In the past there were various tales told about the stone. Some of what we have been told, this ancient lore, we now see has validity. Historically this stone was associated with the ‘blood of Christ’, and with the legendary concept of noble sacrifice. Once you have used a Bloodstone you may find that it may stimulate within you, the urge to embrace ‘Christ consciousness’. This really means the desire to live your life in a way that is your highest and best, with honesty and integrity.

If you are feeling timid or fearful in any way, these stones may instill courage, strength and tenacity within you. Their vibration will aid you to dissipate any confusion, and will assist you to become more peaceful and serene. The Bloodstone has a strong vibration that will repulse negativity from the auric field. They create positive energy as they bring your energy body into balance. Their vibration will assist you to live your life more in touch with the earth and its energy. This energy will help you to face challenges around the concept of death.

Wearing this stone will provide comfort and encouragement, as you find the courage to move forward in your life and do what you need to do. Its energy aids the emotional body, and works within the heart chakra.

As the name suggests this interesting colored stone is a great blood cleanser and purifier. They are said to neutralize and eliminate toxins from the blood, as well as aid your eyesight and help skin rashes.