Black Onyx

black onyx tumblestones

Black Onyx Tumblestone. This is a strength giving stone, providing support in difficult or confusing circumstances and times of enormous mental and physical stress,especially helpful after long poor health, or even a lengthy work project, both of which can reduce one’s resources. It is beneficial for

  • teeth
  • bones
  • bone marrow
  • blood disorders
  • and the feet.

Black Onyx absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Black Onyx aids the development of emotional and physical strength and stamina, especially when support is needed during times of stress. It fosters wise decision making.

Black Onyx balances and grounds thoughts, emotions and helps with stabilizing the sex drive. Onyx is believed to promote fidelity and controls emotional intensity. This androgynous stone is excellent for centering/aligning total person with higher powers. It therefore, essentially balance yin and yang energies.

  • Banishes grief
  • enhances self control
  • helps with wise decision-making
  • encourages happiness and good fortune.

Can be used to provide a “peek” into the future, helps one to follow the path alone, promotes personal strength, understand the reality of the moment, become the master of one’s own future.

A good stone for athletes or people under extreme mental and emotional stress. It brings balance to mind or body as well as strength of mind. Good stone for those who are flighty by nature. A strengthening stone that can help you approach a lesson or task with greater self-confidence. Said to be good for the teeth and bones. It is highly recommended that Onyx be used in conjunction with Pearl and Diamond.

Black Onyx is a stone of magic, and it is often used to carve magical stone amulets. This is a great stone for past life work, as it will heal old injuries that have their roots in past life trauma. Their crystal properties may also aid you to heal old grief or sorrow from this life or others. It provides a feeling of strength and will assist those going through stressful circumstances, as it has a good energy to help you to deal with stress.