Boji Stones, Certified Pair. Certified pair of Boji Stones, 1-1.5″. Boji Stone is a name given to concretion stones which are found in SW Kansas. These stones have strong grounding and healing metaphysical properties. They may be used in body layouts to clear the chakras and balance the male and female energy in the body. They come in pairs, usually made up of one male Boji Stone and one female stone, and carry a quite useful level of healing energy. These stones are excellent to help you to heal emotional problems, and they are powerful to clear hypnotic commands that may have been implanted at an earlier time.
The Boji Stone is as old as the earth. The formation of the stones and the creation of the earth were simultaneous thus making the stones millions of years old. They are primarily made up of pyrite, which gives them their blackish-brown color and are flat and spherical in shape. There have also been studies showing palladium in the stones. Boji Stones are derived from only place in the United States at Smoky Hill Chalk Member of the Niobrara Formation in Gove County, Kansas.
Boji Stones are separated as male and female stones and some may even have androgynous qualities. Female stones are smooth and outnumber the male stones. Male stones are uneven and sharp with the androgynous stones exhibiting qualities such as points and rough patterns along the surface. Boji Stones are small in size compared to other minerals ranging from the size of a dime to the size of a golf ball. The largest faceted stone to date is less than three carats in weight.
Boji Stones are most effective when they are used as a pair of female and male stones. Androgynous stones however can be used alone because their energy is equal to the energy of a pair of male and female stones. Boji Stones are effective when used in the healing of physical conditions but they are more powerful when used for their metaphysical properties.
It is believed that they work better if you hold the female Boji stone in your right hand and the male stone in your left hand to start with, but see what feels right to you. To use a Boji Stone in a body layout, simply place one stone above your head and one below your feet.
They have a very strong grounding action, that along the way will clear the chakras and may relieve pain at the same time. Other stones you may wish to combine with these stones includes Tourmilated Quartz, Iron Pyrite, Apache Tears, Black Obsidian, Smokey Quartz and Black Diopside.