Praisolite Tumblestone. It transmutes negative energy to positive without releasing it to the atmosphere. Prasiolite inspires creativity, attracting success, prosperity and abundance. It aids the endocrine glands, helping to keep the body balanced. Prasiolite is the proper name for the green variety of Amethyst. Although it is not as well known as the purple variety, it has a similar level of energy. Yet it is a quite different stone, and comes to you from a truly heart based perspective. It is like the spirit of nature itself, embodied within a beautiful green quartz crystal. Its impact within the heart will clear disharmonious energy and open you, totally, to love and compassion. Prasiolite will assist you to express personal emotion, and it will link the energy of the heart with the crown chakra. It will open both the crown chakra and the third eye and activate your inner vision.
Pink Danburite combines beautifully with this lovely green quartz crystal.
Prasiolite is a good healing stone because it can:
- help cleanse the body of all kinds of toxins
- It’s greatly beneficial in treating tumors, ulcers, growths, and blockages
- It will also be helpful in neutralizing stomach acid
- and it’s a good stone to have to help with nutrient absorption
Prasiolite is a prosperity stone, and it will attract wealth, fortune, and abundance to your life. It will also help you manifest your goals and ensure the continuous flow of good fortune. It will help you keep your motivation high when you’re working on new projects. It will also clear your head so that you easily spot opportunities that can add to your streams of income.
Prasiolite will ignite the love in you. If you have been single for a long time, Prasiolite will reignite your desire to be back in the dating scene or to be in a relationship once again. It will help you gain your self-confidence back, and it will remove the fear or worries that reside in your heart. it will fill you with happy and joyful energy so that you will attract only the best kind of love energies. Prasiolite can clear the negative energies in your heart and mind. Your negative thoughts and emotions are what prevent you from having strong and loving relationships. When you always focus on the worst things that can happen, these are the energies that you will attract in your relationships! Prasiolite will allow you to relax and let go. It will inspire you to just be present in the moment and make strong connections with people. It will encourage you to just be yourself and allow people to get to know the real you. You will be lifting a great weight from your shoulders once you do.
Prasiolite will also calm your explosive emotions. This stone will show you how you can handle them better. There will be no more mood swings or bursts of anger. It will help you stretch your patience and understanding, and it will make you see a situation from different perspectives. When you know where the other person is coming from, it will be easier to keep a lid on your emotions.
Prasiolite will promote self-acceptance and self-love. You can’t expect another person to love you if you don’t know how to love yourself. This stone will encourage you to do what’s best for you, and to never forget about your emotional well-being. Especially when there are too many people who rely on you for support. Prasiolite will help you to express your emotions. It will help you concentrate on the things that matter with a heart-based perspective. It will encourage you to take action, to take a stand, and to make a decision when it comes to your romantic affairs. You will realize that everything happens for a reason, and that every good or bad thing that you go through will teach you something invaluable. Prasiolite can link, balance, and combine both the lower and higher aspects of your being. It will awaken your heart to the frequency of love, kindness, and peacefulness.